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Hago saber:

Permitid que me presente: Me llamo Josep, y vivo cerca del embalse de Susqueda, en la comarca de La Selva, provincia de Girona (Catalunya, España, Europa, Tierra, Sistema Solar, Vía Láctea). Mi intención es la de hablar de temas que me gustan (o no), que me motivan, me intrigan o me pasan por la cabeza. Soy músico, y estoy implicado en: LA PRINCIPAL D'OLOT, y ANOTHER BAND, y hasta hace poco formaba parte de los ya desaparecidos BORDER LINE BLUES BAND y NEXT SONG BAND. También, durante este año 2012 he entrado a formar parte como profesor de Saxofón y Clarinete de L'Escola de Música de Palafrugell. Hablaré de ellos, de la música que hacemos, de la que me gusta, de libros que leo, de unos Métodos que he creado (uno para trabajar las Escalas de Blues, y otro para trabajar la sonoridad de la Tenora). Un poco como un diario publicable (no llevo diario íntimo).

Y por último, en Mayo de 2012 he creado otro blog, escrito en catalán y dedicado a mostrar imágenes comentadas de orquestas, coblas y conjuntos de Catalunya (aunque básicamente de Girona y Barcelona); si quieres echarle un vistazo, pulsa aquí

NOTA: Todos los bloggers agradecemos que, si hay algo que ha gustado (o no) del contenido de una entrada, se deje un comentario. ¡Gracias, pues, si me dedicas un minuto!

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010


This Method is meant for the Trombone instrumentalist who -with an acceptable level of reading- is interested in getting familiarized with Blues tones, not only by listening to recorded material, but also by practicing his instrument using the Scale exercises to have more resources when improvising.
The Scale I have based the exercises upon is formed by the succession of:
Keynote, minor 3rd, just 4th, augmented 4th, just 5th, minor 7 th and Keynote; according to many experts, it’s the ideal Scale to begin to learn improvisation, because “it has a good sound” and, only going over it up or down, it already has an interesting sound. Nevertheless on page 5 there are nine more sorts of Blues Scales, so you can have a wider vision of the subject.
Each Scale consists in six groups of exercises, plus a blank score (only with the chords) which should be filled following the example of the 4th page of each Scale; it is recommended not to perform this exercise until you have been through the Method a couple of times.
In order to work this Method in a correct manner, it would be interesting to use the metronome, making notes of the number of pulsations obtained without errors in each exercise and with different phrasings. On page 6, some phrasings are suggested, as well as a rhythm variant, which will help to acquire a greater agility when performing.
I invite you to download a demo of this method here 
You will find here a mp3 file entitled "Sweet Swing": it is my arrangement about an exercise of the 4th page of each scale wich I recorded with one of the bands where I am the Saxophonist, Border Line Blues Band, wich it is included in our album "Abbe's Bell Do Drier Nun" 

... AND YOU CAN BUY IT HERE (40 € = all included =):

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